I started out my journey as a photographer thinking, with a very absolute tone, "I will never take newborn photos!" This is when God decided to challenge my thinking and I was asked to take pictures of this beautiful baby boy. My first thought was, "ahhhhh NO!" But then, I collected my thoughts and decided to give it a try and I am super happy I did. As I look back at my original thoughts about newborn photography, I realize that I was afraid of failing and being compared to others. Now, I see that I CAN do newborn photography and do it in a way that works for me. Simple photographs that showcase this amazing gift of life.
So, I suppose you want to look at a few photos? :) Well, I have to tell you first that this was an amazing experience for me. The new parents arrived with this precious little guy and my heart melted! So much so that I snapped a record 400 photos. What was I thinking? It is hard enough to pick out and edit photos but 400 to sift though...oh my. It was so hard to get the shots I wanted and it was a lot of work but, it was very rewarding. I enjoyed watching these brand new parents take care of and love this beautiful boy and he was just so sweet and perfect. I was very blessed by this experience.

Ok, now for a couple fun photos. The new daddy is a huge Packers fan and has a Green Bay football helmet and wanted some photos with the helmet. Then, the new mommy (a Vikings fan) slowly pulled out a Vikings hat, to which daddy said, "We don't need any pictures with that." We worked and worked on getting the shot in the helmet. This was not an easy task and, at the time, the baby did not have a diaper on. All of a sudden, daddy noticed that his little bundle had peed and then the realization came that he had peed in his Packers helmet. Haha, mommy thinks this means that little guy is going to be a Vikings fan.
If you would like to see more photos from this shoot follow this link to my Facebook page >